Dr. Kitty Brandal, President and Program Architect

Contact Phone:  +1.4192395732

“A leader is the one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way.” ~John Maxwell

Inasmuch as this is true for leaders, this is also true for teachers.  Our communities and our world need teachers who are ready to take on a genuine leadership role.  But, leadership isn’t as easy as people think.  Leadership begins with “thyself”.  First, you need to lead yourself, before you can lead others.  Second, leaders need to have an open heart and an open mind.  Third, leaders have the ability to influence other people (students, co-workers, managers, community members, etc.) into a positive direction – but, this takes “deliberate emotional labor”. 

Topics for discussion: 

What is leadership?  
What is your leadership style?  (Leadership assessment)
How does being a teacher tie into leadership?
Attributes of a good leader
Communication = Your Credibility
Branding yourself as a professional
Positive Mental Attitude and Positive Culture
Multiple exercises

Teachers are leaders in their own right. Leadership is a skill that everyone needs to continually work on in order to make a real impact in their environment.  Teachers and leaders and lifelong learners. That’s why this workshop will be a great benefit to anyone in the teaching profession.  

Great Teachers


Great Leaders!